Monday, September 14, 2009


Do you like Chloe's face? She was walking in the driveway Saturday and tripped on her own feet. She did not use her hands to stop her fall and so she landed face first on the blacktop. Her nose was bleeding a lot and she was screaming. Tyler was outside and he started screaming "Does she need stitches? Is she dying?" He was freaking out more than Chloe was.

But the bleeding stopped. And her nose isn't crooked so must not be broken. But she did get that lovely black & blue line across the bridge of her nose. And some road rash under her nose. And as I was taking her pictures while she ate, it became more about the funny pictures of her eating...

Yummy! Ham for me!

"Am I not too funny?!?!?!"
I'm just thankful that it wasn't more serious. And I'm super thankful that she doesn't have any scheduled pictures coming up anytime soon. Doesn't that always seem the case? The day before pictures is always an apprehensive day.


Joni rae said...

its because of those square club feet

Gramma said...

I'm glad it was the driveway and not the table she was on a couple blogs ago!!